class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Meet the Toolkit ### Bora Jin --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </span> </div> --- ## Material 🎥 Watch [Meet the Toolkit - Programming]( - [Slides]( 🎥 Watch [Meet the Toolkit - Version Control and Collaboration]( - [Slides]( --- ## Today's Goal - Understand reproducibility and version control - Comfortably navigate RStudio fundamentals - Be able to define common terms including: **data frame**, **function**, **variable**, **package** - Interact with Git from RStudio (committing and pushing) - Use a few functions, including: `glimpse()`, `group_by()`, `summarize()`, and `filter()` - Understand the pipe operator `%>%` - Create a reproducible report via today's application exercise using R Markdown --- ## Quiz **Q - What is a reproducible data analysis?** <br> -- Near-term goals: - Exact/similar tables and figures can be generated from the code and data - The code performs an intended task - Purpose of the analysis is clear Long-term goals: - The code can be used for other data - The code can be extended to do other things --- ## Quiz **Q - What is difference between R vs. RStudio?** <br> -- R: - Open-source statistical programming language - Easily extensible with **packages**, collections of reproducible R code RStudio: - Convenient interface for R called Integrated development environment (IDE) --- ## Quiz **Q - How do I install a package called** `unvotes` **and load it?** <br> -- ```r install.packages("unvotes") library(unvotes) ``` -- **Q - How do I see a help page of data ** `un_votes`**?** <br> -- ```r ?un_votes ``` -- **Q - What am I doing with** `un_votes$country`**?** <br> -- Accessing a column `country` in the data `un_vote` --- ## Quiz **Q - What can you do with R Markdown?** <br> -- - Create fully reproducible reports with code for analysis and text for narrative - Every assignment as an R Markdown document (with `.Rmd` extension) - R Markdown document should be complete in itself. *The environment of your R Markdown document is separate from the R Console!* -- **Q - How do I create a code chunk in an R Markdowm document?** <br> -- Three backticks <img src="img/02/Rmdcodechunk.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0;" /> --- ## Quiz **Q - What is difference between Git vs. GitHub?** <br> -- - Git: Version control system - GitHub: Home for Git-based projects on the internet -- **Q - What is version control?** <br> -- Tracking changes (potentially with human readable messages) -- **Q - Why is it important?** <br> -- - Otherwise you lose track of your work and become clueless where to go back when you need to fix things! e.g. final.docx, final2.docx, final_final.docx, final_final_XXXX.docx, ... - At each version, important to leave an informative tag --- class: middle, center # Questions? --- ## Let's Practice Together! Go to [AE 02: Part 1, Tour of RStudio + GitHub]( --- ## Bulletin - Watch videos for [Prepare: May 13](